Gather your Magic

It’s pretty impossible to have an overactive imagination and not enjoy Dungeons and Dragons or Magic the Gathering. Trying to design an AI to be a Dungeon Master would be a worthy aim for sure. Game engine’s and video games are inherently limiting in player choice, but if you were playing with a thinking digital entity, it might not be so.
On the other hand, Magic the Gathering, has a limited, but evolving rule set. It also displays an amazing trait that both game developers and coders pay attention to, and that’s Emergence. Emergence is when a system begins to behave in ways that were unplanned and unexpected. With a near endless possibilities of the different cards that could go into a Magic deck, and drawn in a random order the game sure seems to manifest it’s own form and purpose.
We thought we would throw both at our artistic machine overlords and see what came out… Ta Da!
Here’s what we fed it: Magic gathers those delving into dungeons full of dragons.