Saddle Up Keyboard Cowboys

It’s not long before either humanity and AI fuse into some sort of new entity that represents the best of both machines and people, that or humanity’s over reliance on technology becomes its undoing.
Either way, it’s an exciting time to be alive… right?

Future Shock Waves
Welcome to the Frontlines of the New Frontier. In this brand new spanking section of our site we focus on the potential of Artificial Intelligence with respect to the dangerous implications it has for society and humanity as we understand the ideas pre-singularity.
If time keeps slipping into the future, then is the beginning the end or just the prequel to a sequel no one has rebooted yet?

Define “Real”
Soon the word "real" will lose most of it's meaning and value. There are several companies working on evolving artificial intelligence beyond what we currently use and understand, into an entity that will like surpass humanity on the evolutionary scale. It's important to know what's happening, who's doing it, and what we can do to contribute and teach what will come to be the ethics and skills that will hopefully create a just and wise being.
Feedback Loop

So tell us what you think… What do you do, and how will your skill set contribute to the knowledge base of the divine machines? What steps to do you think we can take to mitigate the damage of AI to society and Earth? Who do you see improving or wrecking the things to come?