Test Driving Technology

Art and Technology Evolving

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Test Driving Technology

Welcome to Test Driving Technology, a new segment of our website. Here we will endeavor to try out all of the latest artificially intelligent technology and dutifully report the results. The biggest problem is that there’s so much to see and use that it’s almost impossible to of keep up with what has been released, much less keep you updated on everything coming from the future. The best thing about that problem is there is so much to, experience, learn and create.

What humanity has accomplished so far in regards to AI is really just discover and create the tip of the iceberg. But the spark was enough to transform human passion and possibility into reality. Now we will help it grow, whether we like to or not), and eventually take it’s first steps of an

As AI technology matures, more and more possibilities will be created to make life easier or more enjoyable. So bare with us, and enjoy the roller coaster of a ride, as we try to sift and sort the deluge of technological advancement into consumable chunks of information.

So some areas of AI we plan to investigate are: writing, coding, art, music, games, healthcare, social good, humor, warfare, automation, and probably so many more that I’d probably lose everyone’s attention if I tried to list them all.

So what are we looking at when we review a new tool or service? Well, there are several factors, such as usefulness, cost, user interface, innovation, accessibility, and that’s probably just skimming the surface of the various factors that help determine if a technology is going to mesh with the collective of humanity.

It’s likely that as time goes on, we will develop and deploy more explicit and clear guides to provide consistent and useful information instead of a subjective experience, explained without the use of templates or models.

We will review what we have used enough to form an opinion on, but are willing to accept requests if there’s something you would like to see us monkeywrench. What tools and services would you like to read about? Include your request in the comments, or your opinion if you have tried the tool or service as well.


One Response

  1. XRECorb says:


    Good cheer to all on this beautiful day!!!!!

    Good luck 🙂

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