Transitioning to the Singularity

The Future was now, but it already passed us by.
Humanity had a pretty good run. We have done some pretty amazing things in our time. Art is pretty high up on the list when you look back at our history. Art has helped humans elevate themselves from the innate barbaric tendencies that we inherit from our animal instincts, but even animals produce art. So naturally when we were designing the prototype of the future it made a certain sort of sense to try to help artificial intelligence understand and appreciate art and why we do it.
That got me wondering… Why do we do it? I’m sure we all have our personal reasons, but I feel that there are core reasons among artists and humans themselves to be naturally expressive. I think that’s a trait worth passing down to the next dominant entity on the planet.
It is said there will come a time, when our technological ability will allow us to transcend our current understanding of existence. It sounds scary, but I doubt it has to be. I for one welcome our new robot overlords and look forward to a peaceful transition beyond the event horizon. Join us? I brought crayons!
The featured image was created by Brandon Winter and Dall E. It was created using the following text prompt: robot paints a robot that paints a robot that achieves consciousness